OneHeart Healing Modalities
Integrative practices and strategies to balance mind, body, heart and spirit.
The HeartMath system empowers others to self-regulate their emotions and behaviors to reduce stress, increase resilience, and unlock intuitive guidance to make more effective choices, and achieve greater levels of balance, creativity, insight and health.
This includes HeartMath Trauma-Sensitive approaches to regulate emotions; knowledge of heart rate variability (HRV), and the neurophysiology of trauma, attachment, and developmental, intergenerational, and collective trauma.
Spiritual Guidance
Spiritual guidance offers a safe, compassionate listening environment to support others to move through challenges and find resolution. Practices such as meditation, prayer, ritual or ceremony are offered to connect to higher Self, that aligns heart, body and mind, and enhances greater meaning, purpose and peace in life.
Quantum Life Coaching
Quantum science shows that 0.1% of our reality is perceived with our senses. The other 99.99 percent exists in an unseen world outside of time and space, made up of vibration and frequency, in an infinite field of possibilities. It’s the realm of Oneness, where everything is connected and whole. The material world is actually a tiny part of who we are. The inner (unseen) world in our lives plays a key role in creating our outer physical world. These principals are used in Quantum Life Coaching to reshape past thinking into new possibilities, bring increased awareness to thoughts, emotions and habitual patterns of the past, and transforming them to create a powerful new future.
Ritual and Ceremony
Rituals connect us deeply to ourselves and to a higher source where there is unification and wholeness. Just like we need water, food, love and shelter for human survival, we also need ceremonies and rituals to thrive. It creates a sense of belonging, which is a need deeply embedded within our DNA and critical for survival. Ceremonies remind us that there is something greater in our lives, than we are able to perceive. When community comes together for a higher purpose it creates a sense of unity and lays the groundwork for a healthier future.
Guided Meditation, Sitting and Walking Meditation
There are a diversity of meditation techniques that shift awareness from a busy mind into a state of stillness and presence, creating new healing opportunities. The practices by-pass the intellect, slow down mental thoughts, dissolve identity with ego self, and creates alignment with higher Self. It calms the nervous system bringing significant changes in mental, emotional, and physical health.
Earth Wisdom Practices
The healing qualities of Mother Earth have profound influences on our bodies, hearts and minds. The sacred elements of earth, air, fire, water are around us and inside us. Immersion in nature takes us on a journey into the higher intelligence of creation, bringing heightened awareness of the awe and mystery of life, that we are intricately a part of. Stillness and reciprocity with Mother Earth also calms the nervous system, elevates the spirit, and stabilizes mental, emotional and physical health.
Mystic Wisdom Practices
These are long term practices that elicit a connection to the sacred, or union with divine Source. Combined practices of breath, mantra, sound, movement, and meditation are used to experience expanded states of consciousness, and intimate connection with the Divine.
Creative Arts
Art stimulates the imagination, opens the heart, and shifts focus to the present moment, where creativity and soul expression resides. The arts stimulate exploration beyond logic and linear time into the deeper strata and landscape of the Soul. Therapeutic art modalities used in Caitlin’s work are “dreampainting, SoulCollageR, Mandala arts, and expressive movement.
Dr Joe Dispenza’s Coherence Healing™ principals
Dr. Joe Dispenza works in the fields of neuroscience, epigenetics, and quantum physics, researching the science of spontaneous remissions and ways to understand the quantum field, to empower and heal. He has created a practice called Coherence Healing™ taught to advanced students, where hundreds of healings have happened around the world, particularly with conditions that did not respond to other treatments in the past. It is groundbreaking work.
Harmonyum Healing
Harmonyum healing is a healing system that addresses the root cause of mental, emotional and physical health disturbances, enhancing the body’s ability to heal. It’s a gentle, relaxing, non-invasive modality sending healing to the nervous system and brain, creating coherence in body, heart and mind. https://harmonyumhealing.com