Ceremonial Arts
Connecting to Earth, Spirit, and Community
Ceremony calls forth a deeper relationship with the intelligence of the Earth, the heavens, and the Universe. It’s an invitation for community to come together and share in collective vision and purpose – for individual, community, and global transformation.
Ceremony activates the Heart, evokes connection with higher frequencies of the Sacred, connects us more deeply to one another, and invites reciprocity with the seen and unseen world.
There is tremendous power in ceremony. The more we share together from depth of heartfelt and visionary intent, the more we create a more unified and balanced world.
“…I can say that these celebrations of Pachamama, our sacred Mother, are deeply spiritual and transforming. Caitlin is a master ceremonialist. I highly recommend her work.”
If you are interested in a ceremony or class listed below, contact Caitlin at oneheartprograms@gmail.com
Ceremonial Offerings
Despacho Ceremony and Class:
Andean Prayer Bundles of Blessings and Beauty
In Andean tradition, despachos are prayer bundles offered to Pachamana (Mother Earth), and the Apus (the mountain spirits). They are a mandala-like array of nature’s gifts, infused with breath and prayer; bundled, then released to Spirit. They are powerful portals of communion, or “ayni” (sacred reciprocity), between ourselves, and earth and sky, to ensure balance in the world.
Despacho Ceremony is a potent way to bless the land, honor and release the loss of a loved one, inspire a productive garden, help calm the Elements during strong storms, and bring balance to traumatic events in the world.
These practices come from the Pachakuti Mesa tradition, passed on by curandero and shamanic teacher, don Oscar Miro-Quesada; guidance of other Andean teachers.
“Caitlin has a sacred connection to the earth, and expresses it beautifully through art, ceremony and her heart. She is passionate in helping others and is an astute guide in the ever evolving journey of awakening.”
Water Blessing Ceremony
Water is sacred. The Lakota phrase “Mní wičhóni,” or “Water is life” recognizes the life giving essence of water, and a potent connective force between the physical and spiritual world.
The late Dr. Masaru Emoto of Japan, did extensive work with Water, showing how water crystals shift into more coherent and elegant forms, simply by holding a glass of water with gratitude or Love.
Imagine what the fluids in our bodies become, when we regard ourselves and the world with abundant Love!
When Dr. Emoto initiated ceremony for polluted waters of Lake Biwa in Japan, the acidity levels dropped in a matter of hours. This has profound implications for us. We have the ability to improve polluted lakes and streams, the health of plants, crops, and create coherence in our own bodies, and for others.
Photo courtesy of Judy Hoaglund
Reviving the Land with an Apecheta:
Sacred Architecture for Earth and Sky
There is soil and land degraded all over the world in need of revitalization. Apachetas are ritually built stone carins, constructed to strengthen the energetic connections between earth and sky, and revitalize the spirit of the land. They are traditionally seen throughout the Andean region, now found in the U.S. and around the world, from those learning the ancient ceremonies.
Apachetas act as acupuncture needles with Earth’s meridians to revive depleted ancient energies of the land, and the spirit of the place. Once built, the apacheta is tended to throughout the year with offerings, ceremony and earth-honoring prayer.
Creating a Pachakuti Mesa Altar:
Portal of Communion with Heaven and Earth
Learn the earth honoring ceremonial artistry of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition (PMT), originated by kamasqa curandero, don Oscar Miro-Quesada. Inspired by ancient traditions of Peruvian Curanderismo, PMT tradition is dedicated to personal and planetary transformation.
Come for an inspiring introductory class. You learn how to:
- Create sacred space
- Conduct effective ceremony
- Make prayerful offerings
- Interact with the Elements and sacred directions
- Understand the meaning of lower, middle and upper worlds
- Activate your own mesa as your personal altar ground.
Experience ways to connect yourself and your Mesa to the vast, infinite universe, that which you are. Your mesa, once activated, can be used for healing purposes, for yourself, your community, and our beautiful planet.
Tree Spirit Woman by Caitlin
Nature Communication:
Sacred Reciprocity with Mother Earth
Would you like to connect more deeply with the intelligence, mystery and messages of mother earth? Let the spirit of nature tell it’s story through your senses and receptivity to the natural world. In silence, stillness, and guided meditation, we open a portal to new levels of awareness and communion with the visible and invisible world around you. You learn to stay attentive to nature’s diversity, subtleties, nuances, and songs. Through attuned listening and reciprocity, We dip deeper into the awe and mystery of mother Earth’s language; and develop a deeper relationship to her.
Bring a natural offering such as corn, tobacco or flowers; a small bell, rattle or drum; and a blank notebook, colored pencils or pens; with the necessities for being outdoors – hat, water, snacks, and sun protection.
Caitlin is: exquisitely beautiful. Elegtant. Passionate. Deep. Expansive. Profoundly Transformative — and so much more. I am continuallyl in awe of all Caitlin pours her incredible creative energy into. Anyone deeply dedicate to their awakened journey would be well served by receiving Caitlin’s guidance and support.
If you are interested in a ceremony or class, contact Caitlin at oneheartprograms@gmail.com